The Mars Mantra | Mangala Mantra | Mangala Tantrik Mantra | Mangala Vedic Mantra | Mangala Beej Mantra | Mars Tantrik Mantra | Mars Vedic Mantra | Mars Beej Mantra
Mars or Mangala is considered as commander-in-chief. Hanumanji is worshiped for propitiating Mars or Mangala. It is a male planet. Being the lord of the battle it signifies courage of both types mental and physical, It is significator of designers, army or any of the belt forces, chemicals, dentists or persons holding executive posts. Of course, it also signifies younger brother. If the planet is holding weak position in the chart, the native may not have good relations with his younger brother and does not enjoy his support.
If Mars is posited in the ascendant, fourth, seventh, or eighth or the twelfth house, it is bad for the marital happiness. In such a situation, the immediate remedy is propitiation of Mars or Mantra with its mantra. All those who are deprived off marriage even up to 30 to 40 years due to certain obstacles or married life is full of miseries or difficulties, threatened separation or divorce, should worship Mars or Mangala to ward off these evils. Also Mars or Mangala mantra works remarkably in case of repeated abortions, denial of children, for someone in debt and not able to repay in spite of honest intentions rather debt increases and making life hell. All these difficulties can be overcome by the worship of Mars. Mars helps the devotee to over come the above difficulties and one succeeds in all his efforts to achieve happiness and lead a comfortable life. When one is of rash temperament recital of Mars mantra is very useful. With this, one overcomes his enemies, gets protection from effects of poisonous articles. The mantra also removes the evil effects of Mars like injury, accident etc.

Malefic position of Mars gives problems related to digestive system, neck, intestine, generative organs. When it is in close conjunction of Rahu it gives problems such as dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases. Blood pressure is also a significator of Mars. Hence, it is advised to those persons who are suffering from high blood pressure to keep Mars Yantra in their house and worship it daily.
Worship of Mars should be done during Siddha Yoga, on any Tuesday and the devotee has to do dasopchar pooja. It may be noted here that the mantra sadhana should end on Tuesday.
Worshiping Mars with the following mantra bestows sons and wealth. This mantra also bestows desired objects and eliminates debts.
The sage of this Mantra is Virupa, the metre is Gayatri and the deity is Agni. The aspirant devotee should perform sadanga Nyasa with the six syllables of the Mantra. The devotee shall repeat the mantra for ten thousand times. The requisite number of Homas with the twigs of Khadira shall be performed. Mars should be worshiped in Saiva Pitha. When the mantra is perfectly realized, he should perform repeat rites for realization of specific desires. The Mantra is as follows:
Om agnier mudhorti mantrasye virupaangiras rishi, gayatri
chand, agnir devta, bhom pritarthe jape viniyog
Virupaangiras rishiye namah sirshi, gayatri chandse namo mukhe, Bhomo devtayee namo hridayee, bhom pritye jape viniyogaayee namah sarvange |
agnirmurdha angustabhyam namah (Touch the thumb with index finger), Divye tarjani bhayam namah, (Touch the index fingers with thumb), kakutpati madhyama bhyam namah (Touch the middle fingers with thumb) prathivyaayam anamikabhyam namah (Touch the ring fingers with thumb), Apaaretasi kanistika bhayam namah (Touch the little fingers with thumb), jinvati kartalkarpristhabhayam namah (Touch the back of the palms)
agnirmurdha hridayae namah (Touch your heart with your hand), Divye sirse swah (Touch your head) kakutpati sikhayee vast (Touch your hairs), prathivyaayam kavchayee hum (Touch your right shoulder with left hand and left with right), Apaaretasi netartrayee vaushat (Touch your eyes) jinvati astrayee phat (clap, after taking circle around your head)
Dhyana verse
Take red flowers in your hands and do dhyana as under.
raktmalyamvardhara shaktishulgadadhara
Chaturbhujoo meshgamo varda sayadhrasuta
After dhyana perform mental pooja of Mars as under.
Lam Prithvivyatmak Bhomaye namah gandham parikalpyami
Ham Aakashatmak Bhomaye namah Pushpam parikalpyami
Yam Vyaayatmak Bhomaye namah dhupam parikalpyami
Ram Brahmyatmak Bhomaye namah dipam parikalpyami
Vam Lalatrnak Bhomaye namah navedyam parikalpyami
Now perform pooja of Mars by taking rosary in the hand and recite the following mantra for the rosary.
Ma male mahamale sarvshakti sawrupani
chaturvargsstavyinayeesatsamanmam sidhidabhav
Now start reciting mantra facing towards east direction. Mars mantra for recital is as under
Om kram krim krom sa om bhur bhuva swah agnirmmurdha divya kakutpati prithvivyaayyam apa reta sijjinvati i om swah bhuva bhu om sa krom krim kram om bhomayee namah
Mars Mantra for Son
A woman who desires to beget a son shall observe the requisite vow on Tuesday. The beginning of this vow in the month of Mrigasira (Nov.-Dec.) or Vaisakha (April-May) is held to be praiseworthy. The mantra is to be recited for ten thousand times. If the mantra is recited at two in the afternoon, it is more benefic. The worship should be done with red flowers, red sandal, and fruit of red colour. After japa, the haunt should he done with the rice boiled in milk (Kheer), sesame, barley, rice, pure ghee, crushed sugar and panchmewa. 1/1 0 of homa be done as tatpan and 1/10 of that it should be marzan . After that the devotee should donate the articles of Mars. The mantra for recital :
Om Ham Hamsah Kham Khah ||
Other Mantras for Mars are:-
Om kara kri kro sah bhomaya namah
Om an angarkaya namah||
Mars Gayatri Mantra:
Om Shitiputraya vidyamahe lohitangaya dhimahi tannoo Bhowmaa Parchodayat |
Mars mantra for preventing accidents and problems of married life
This mantra prevents accidents, blesses with son, frees the devotee from debts, cures blood pressure and rash temper. It hastens the marriage of ladies. It also offers protection from enemies, cuts, wounds, operation and enables the devotee to recover speedily from above causes.
Since Mars is significator of husband in female chart (not Jupiter) and when found afflicted, the marriage of a girl is delayed. This mantra is being used successfully in such cases.
After realisation pooja is done with red flowers and sweets made from jaggery or rice are offered. The mantra for recital is:-
Om Hom han sa kham kha
The sage of the mantra is virupaksh, metre is gayatri, deity is Mars and application of the mantra is for propitiating the planet mars. The mantra should be recited for six hundred thousand times. In case of severe diseases, the mantra be recited daily starting from Tuesday along with following mantras.
Om karang kareeng karoong sah bhoomaye namah ||
Om karang kareeng karoong sah bhoomaye namah karoong kareeng karang ||
Mars is significator of husband in the case of ladies. When position of Mars in birth chart is weak, afflicted or posited in 641, 8th, or 12th houses, the lady’s marriage is invariably delayed. In such cases recital of the above mantra is recommended and then girl should start performing pooja from Tuesday for forty one days, except day of her menstruation cycle, and then on every subsequent Tuesday, then a suitable match is found within a short span of time.
In cases where lady’s marital life becomes strained, leading to divorce or separation between the couple, pooja with this mantra by lady has shown remarkable results in patching up relations between the couple.
In case where man or woman is of harsh tamper then, by recital of this mantra, troubles arising from such person’s behaviour are controlled.
When a man is lacking in courage and boldness or is shy and unable in expressing himself, very good results have been seen by performing recital of this mantra.
It may be noted here that person reciting this mantra should avoid fish, meat, etc., and sexual act or contacts with opposite sex on Tuesday. Keep a fast on this day in order to get rapid results.
Mars Dosha
Mars/Manglik/Kuja/Bhom/Angaraka Dosha is formed when it is posited in any of the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses, of the chart. The first house is for self, 4th for marital happiness and peace of mind, 7th house for the partner in life, 8th house, the most malefic house is the 2nd from 7th and is also known as Mangalya Bhav and 12th for the pleasures of bed. So, all these houses are connected with the marital happiness and harmony. To this, we also add the second house, as it represents family. Married life without progeny will often become a nightmare. But Mars in these houses will have an adverse affect only if is malefic planet for the native.
Mangal Gauri Mantra is the only remedy for Manglik Dosha. If the native is facing problems such as late marriage, then the native is advised to do the Mangal Gauri Anusthan. Besides Anusthan the devotee has to recite following mantra as told for early efficacy.
Om hrim Manglegauri Vivahbaadhaam naashaaya swaha
The above mantra is to be recited for a minimum of sixty four thousand to a maximum of hundred twenty five thousand times. The sage of the Mantra is Aja. The metre is Gavatri. The deity of the Mantra is Manglagauri. The Bija is Hrim and the Shakti is Swah. Devi Mangla Gauri is worshipped with panchopchara which includes the articles like vermillion, rice, flowers, dhoop, pure ghee and deep (earthen lamp). Articles of Mars are donated after the anushthan.
Other points to remember: – The articles for donation for Mars are coral, wheat, lentil, red colour ox, jaggery, gold, red cloth, red kaneer (lower, copper. Classics are of the view that those persons who are not in a position of wearing the gems of Mars which are very costly may wear root of nagjihva.
The Mars Mantra | Mangala Mantra | Mangala Tantrik Mantra | Mangala Vedic Mantra | Mangala Beej Mantra | Mars Tantrik Mantra | Mars Vedic Mantra | Mars Beej Mantra