Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt – Endeavoring To Discover Order Concealed In The Complicated And Chaos That Exists In The World.
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt is a very distinguished and notable astrologer in India. He has been a master in projecting predictions for his clients all around the world. He has profound and immense knowledge in the field of astrology which he received from well-known names of Indian astrology. He is an avid follower of the teaching of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and that’s why he says that “I am endeavoring to discover order concealed behind & inside the complicated and chaos – that exists in the world.”

Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt comes from a brahmin family from Karnataka, his father is a Vedic scholar who gained knowledge of Vedas from Shankaracharyas. The Vedic environment of his house introduced him to the world of Vedas and astrology and led him to gain basic knowledge of astrology. Once he started to read more and more about the astrology, he said that “I understood that astrology is a language if you understand and how to use this language, the sky, and cosmic powers speak to you. Astrology reveals the will of the gods.” Continuing to that he says “Vedic sciences and astrology have shaped up my personality and has played a significant role in my entire childhood. It is supreme, divine and powerful”. He not only obtained the divine knowledge of Vedas and astrology but also continued his education understanding modern concepts of science. He has a great interest in technology and computers. He studies computer science and did BCA followed by MCA in Delhi. The education which he received from his college and the knowledge he acquired from Vedas helps him making the predictions in the modern context.
In his words “Astrology is one of the oldest and most accurate instruments known to mankind. It is the reason many people from every part of the take help from astrologers and a large section of Wall Street brokers uses astrology as traditional knowledge which they practice as a system to implement big-picture reasoning to inconstant markets. People follow astrology believing astrology as a finger pointing at reality. Varaha Mihira an ancient astrologer and Indian philosopher says – ‘There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life.’ Astrology is like a weather forecast reports which we see in television news and newspapers; it tells you what weather conditions you’re expected to experience that day. If the meteorologist/weatherman tells it’s presumably going to rain, you bring an umbrella. If you follow that information, you won’t get wet if don’t want to get wet. A person’s horoscope tells there is something out there for you, it can be good or bad for you. Now that person has to decide how he is going to respond to that information and use that information for his own betterment.
Following these concepts of Vedic astrology, he formed Vedicgrace Foundation to provide his services to each and every one. He has been providing astrological consultations to his clients all around the world through phone consultations, Skype video call consultations, personal meetings in different parts of Indian but primarily in NOIDA, New Delhi and Bangalore. The reviews and feedback which his clients gave us were amazing, one of his frequent clients a doctor says “astrology is priceless in diagnosing disorders in the human body and prescribing a therapeutic solution, for it unveils the hidden cause of all diseases”. Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt is committed to reaching out to people who require expert advice on multiple aspects of their life, and is expert professional astrologer when it comes to giving his clients the right piece of advice to help come out of their problems.