Rashi Mantra | Nakshatra Mantra | Zodiac Mantra
The zodiac signs also play a significant role in the life of the native. The zodiac signs are also checked for the purpose of interpretation. They are twelve in number. Each of the zodiac sign has its planet which governs the sign besides there are planets which are either debilitated in the sign or exalted. One should have this much of knowledge before practicing the mantras in this section. However, we are providing some of the details about the zodiac signs for those readers who want to practice the mantras on their own. All theses mantras are recited for hundred and eight times in the morning along with the mantra of the lord of the house. It is considered more useful for the native.

Aeries is a fiery sign whose lord is Mars. Sun is exalted in this sign whereas Saturn is debilitated here. It rules head and brain. It is a movable sign. As it is an energetic sign, persons ruled by it are either in services, police, surgeons or other related jobs. If the significator planets are not strong in the natal chart then the native suffer from headache, diseases of impure blood, stammering constipation etc. Person having Aries ascendant or Moon Sign Aries should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Dhim Shrim Laxmi narayana Namah ||
Taurus is an earthy sign whose lord is Venus. Moon is exalted in this sign whereas Ketu is debilitated here. It rules right eye, neck and throat. Those who have good position of its lord in the chart enjoy good health, otherwise problems like poor digestion, disorder of throat, eyes, teeth they have to suffer. Person having Taurus ascendant or Moon Sign Taurus should recite this mantra. This mantra is to recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Gopalay uttardvajaya namah |
Gemini is an airy sign. Its lord is Mercury which signifies communication and confidence. Gemini is a dual natured planet. It signifies hands, shoulders, respiratory and nervous system in the natal chart. Native who has lord of the sign positioned in the charted in the house of exaltation is found to be in the profession of accounts, computer, communications, authors, journalism, engineering etc. Persons having weak ascendant or Moon sign Gemini are having diseases like hypertension, headaches, congestion and respiratory diseases etc. To propitiate it they should recite this mantra daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Klim Krishnai namah
Cancer is a watery sign. Its lord is Moon. Cancer is a sign which is changeable in nature and tender. Cancer rules rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. Cancerians are in the job of administrators, public relations, healers, nurses, house keepers, hoteliers, restaurant owners, catering professional cooks, eating establishment. Person having Cancer ascendant or Moon Sign Cancer should recite this mantra. They may develop diseases like mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice etc. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Hrim Hringarbhaya Avyaktrupine Namah |
Leo is a fiery sign. It is fixed and positive sign. Its lord is Sun which is significator of vitality intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. This sign rules upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. Person having Leo ascendant or Moon sign Leo joins services, medicine related, high administrative position in the govt., lead an organization etc. They are of administrative nature. They may develop problems related to bone, acidity, liver etc. Person having Leo ascendant or Moon sign Leo should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is: –
Om Klim Brahamane Jagadadaharaya namah |
Virgo is an earthy sign. It is a dual natured negative, female sign. Mercury is exalted here whereas Venus is debilitated in virgo. Its lord is Mercury. It is significator of abdominal, nervous system, kidneys etc. Persons having ascendant or Moon sign Virgo are good in communicative skills, attractive, charming, prudent arid cautious. Ifnatal Mercury is weak, the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm, Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and the Mercury, Virgos become accountants, artists, craftsmen, draftsmen, teachers, mathematicians etc. Person having Virgo ascendant or Moon Sign Virgo should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Pim Pitambaraya namah |
Libra is an airy sign. It is movable and positive in nature. Its lord is Venus. Saturn is exalted in this sign whereas Sun is debilitated here. Libra is significator of lumbar region and lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland.. It develops diseases related to these parts if the lord is debilitated. Librans are in the profession of acting, finance, hotels, legal services, management, musicians and physicians etc. Person having Libra ascendant or Moon Sign Libra should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Tatavniranjanaya tarak ramaya namah |
Scorpio is a watery sign. Its lord is Mars. Ketu is exalted in this sign and Moon is debilitated here. This sign rules outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus etc. Person having debilitated position suffers from piles, fissure, urinary infections boils, and operations etc. Scorpions are found in services, police, paramilitary forces, detectives, chemists and advocates etc. Person having Scorpio ascendant or Moon Sign Scorpio should recite this mantras. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Narayana Suryasinghaya namah |
Sagittarius is a fiery sign. It is dual natured and positive in nature. Its lord is Jupiter. It is significator of ambitious nature, eager to learn and good judgement. Sagittarians are vulnerable to diseases like anaemia, poor digestions flatulence, disorders of liver/gall bladder, jaundice, high fevers diabetes rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs. As Jupiter is lord of sign, persons are in the profession of advice giving or teaching such as businessmen, trainers for jobs, financial advisers and other related jobs. Person having Sagittarius ascendant or Moon sign Sagittarius should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Shrim Devkrishanaya Udarjaya namah |
It is an earthy sign. Its lord is Saturn. It signifies dutifulness and responsibility. Mars is exalted in this sign whereas Jupiter is debilitated here. It is movable sign negative and female in nature. Capricorn’s body suffers from disease like joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases, and allergies. They choose profession such as businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians etc. Person having Capricorn ascendant or Moon Sign Capricorn should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Shrim Vatsalaya namah |
Aquarius is an airy sign ruled by Saturn. It signifies dutifulness and responsibility. It is fixed, positive, male talkative and biped sign and signifies honesty ideals and sensitiveness in the native. Good health of Aquarians depends on the position of the Moon, If Moon is positioned well they tend to suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds etc. Aquarians take jobs such as servants, thinkers, writers and religious teachers etc. Person having Aquarius ascendant or Moon Sign Aquarius should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Shri Upendaraya acchutaya namah |
Pisces is a watery sign. Its lord is Jupiter. It signifies fortune and knowledge. Venus is exalted here and Mercury is debilitated. It is dual in nature. It is negative, female, fruitful and footless sign, Pisceans are generally gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, dutifulness attitude etc. When Sun is strong they remain healthy otherwise they tend to suffer from gout pains, joint pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system feet, toes, bones of the feet. Person having Pisces ascendant or Moon Sign Pisces should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning.
The mantra for recital is:
Om Klim uddhritaya uddharine namah |
Mantras for Nakshatras
Ashwini Nakshatra Mantra
Ashwini Kumar is the Lord of the Ashwini Nakshatra. Person born in this Nakshatra, however, does not face health related problems but if they are born between 2.00° to 3.00°, they may have problems related to migraine and heart. For worshiping the lord of the nakshatra one should take the soil from both banks of a sacred river or water hole and construct an imaginative idol. Make seven swastikas out of wheat flour. Worship this idol with white sandalwood, white flowers, five flags made of five colors, five lamps and camphor. Pray to Lord Ashwini and offer jaggery and sesame seeds. Perform homa with barley, butter and twigs of root of chichri, while reciting the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
Om Ashwina tejsa chakshu pranenan saraswati viryyam vachandro balnendraye dhdhuriindryam om ashwani kumarabhyam namah ||
Bharani Nakshatra Mantra
Yamaraj is the Lord of the Bharani Nakshatra. Native born during this Nakshatra may not be much bothered for his health. He may be a chain smoker; hence, he needs to take care of his lungs. He may have problems related to diabetes, body-ache, skin problems, high fever etc. Such native should take extra precautions while traveling by water route. If the native is born in the first or second pada of Bharni nakshatra he would be cause of his father’s death. To mitigate this affect, the native should worship Lord Shiva on the day of Bharani Nakshatra with incense sticks, flowers, lamp, butter, googal, jaggery etc. Sugar, pure ghee and utensils should be donated and uncooked mixture of pulses and rice should be donated in the name of Yamaraj. Holm should be performed with butter, honey, sesame seeds, rice and twigs of august Mool (root of aeschynomena grandi flora tree) while reciting the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
Om yamayatvangirstavye pitrmate swaha, swahadharamaya pitre swaha yamaye namah ||
Krittika Nakshatra Mantra
Agni is the Lord of Krittika Nakshatra. Such persons have to tour different part of the country for the purpose of earnings. They have to face a lot of burdles in their life. Classics say until the age of fifty years they have to work hard for their livelihood. They may inherit some ancestral property also. Such person has to worship the deity of the nakshatra with white sandalwood, fragrance, jasmine flowers; lamp filled with butter, incense sticks, sesame seeds etc., in order to mitigate the malefic effect. Mix sesame seeds and butter, ghee and perform homa while reciting the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
Agnirmudhardivya kakutpati prithvitya ayama |
Apagum reta gum sijanvati om agnaye namah ||
Rohini Nakshatra Mantra
Brahmaii is the Lord of Rohini nakshatra. Persons born in this Nakshatra are very much serious about their working. They have a passion to become master of all trades but they have to face problems in their act. Age, between 18 to 36, is not considered good for them. They are loyal to their mother and maternal uncle but have difference of opinion with their father. Their married life is not considered happy. They may develop problems like blood cancer, jaundice, urinary track infection diabetes, asthma, problems related to throat. In order to decrease the malefic effect, the native should worship Brahmins with white sandalwood, fragrance, lotus flowers, incense, lamp of ghee (butter clarified by boiling and straining) and sweets. Honey, ghee and milk pudding should be offered. “Apamarga” Mool should be in an amulet and worn. On the day of the Rohini Nakshatra, donate the milk of a black cow and seven cereals. Use the twigs of “Apamarga” for the homa mixed with sesame seeds and ghee and recite the following mantra hundred and eight times.
Brahmajgaanam pratham purastadwisimata suruchovvenaavya sabughanaya upma asya vishta
satschchayonimsataschcatviaya brahamane namah
Mrigshira Nakshatra Mantra
Moon is the Lord of Mrigshira Nakshatra. Persons born during this constellation are lively, clever, patient, scholarly, enthusiastic, wealthy and pleasure loving. They may be frequent wanderer, manufacturer of spurious things, wicked eyed, selfish, egoistic, jealous, sensuous and ailing. They may be aroused very fast, may be emotional, rude when angry, quick at answering back and displaying his anger, skilled at talking, industrious and wealthy. They may support a religious background and may have a progressive viewpoint and a leadership oriented personality. They may be prone to boasting and false exhibitionism amongst friends.
Such persons do not have a good life partner. Their life partner is a problem creater for them and they may be in soup due to their life partners. During their early ages they will not remain fit and may develop problems related to stomach and throat. To mitigate the evil effect of the constellation native should worship the Moon God with white sandalwood, incense, flowers, lamp with ghee. One should donate curd and rice on the day of the Mrigshira Nakshatra, offer rice and sugar and wear “Jayantimoor in an amulet. One should mix curd and milk pudding and perform homa while reciting the following mantra for hundred and eight times
Imamdeva aspatan gum subdhavam mahate ksahtraye mahate jyesthayee mahate janrajyayendryasayeindriyayee Imam musayeputrammushayee putarmasayee vish ishvoimi rajasomoasmakam brahmananagum raja ehandermase namah ||
Ardra Nakshatra Mantra
Lord Shiva is the Lord ofArdra Nakshatra. Persons born in this constellation are strong and loved by brothers. They may be ungrateful, crooked hearted, proud, short tempered, violent, wicked, lacking wealth and prosperity engaged in lowly deeds and not stationary in one place. However, they are soft-spoken, loving towards all, intelligent, knowledgeable about traditional medicine and the power of mantras, skilled at predictions, intuitive and pure hearted but critical and facing hardships in his period of education. They are of inventive brain, be skilled at art and fine works, addicted to drugs, consuming tobacco and cigarettes, involved in a defamed work, having a wandering temperament and anxious about past deeds.
Person born during Ardra constellation are subject to late marriage. If their marriage is solemnised in early age then they would face problems. They may develop problems like paralysis, dental problems or cardiac related problems. Women born in this constellation may have problems related to menstruation cycle, acidity etc. To ward of the evil effect of the constellation it should be worshipped with white sandalwood, incense, fragrant flowers, ghee, lamp, betel leaf, sweets etc. One should offer curd and sweets, fill an amulet with white sandalwood and ashwathl papal, mool, and wear it. Homa is done while mixing ghee and honey and recite the following mantra for hundred and eight times daily.
Namaste Rudra Manya vaootoo to ishve namah Bahu bhayamuttatte namah om rudraye namah shivaye namah
Punarvasu Nakshatra Mantra
Aditi is the Lord of the Punarvasu Nakshatra. Persons born during the Punarvasu constellation possesses a sharp brain and a good memory. He is pleasant natured, cultured, good looking, intelligent, wealthy, endowed with servants, having worldly ambitions, good at premonitions skilled at taking practical and realistic decisions, famous, easily convinced and possessing divine knowledge. Their married life is considered to be disturbed. It is said that a woman born in Punarvasu should many with a person born during Hasta constellation.
Punarvasu Nakshatra controls ear, throat and shoulder and these are affected with ailments when malefic planets influence. To mitigate the malefic effect the native should worship it with haridra’ (turmeric), incense of kumkum (saffron), serantika, flowers, eight types of fragrances, incense, ghee, lamp and yellow coloured nevaidya filled with ghee. On the day of the Punarvasu Nakshatra, fill an amulet with Arka Mool and wear it, give food to five girls and give them gifts of gold, clothes, lotus flowers and money. Offer ghee and yellow rice. Perform homa while mixing ghee and yellow rice and recite the following mantra hundred and eight times.
Om aditidhyorjditirantrikshmaditir mata spita saputra vishvedeva Aditi pachchjasnaaaditirjat maditirjanitvam om aditya namah
Pushya Nakshatra Mantra
Jupiter is the Lord of the Pushya Nakshatra. A person born in the Pushya constellation is calm hearted, popular, scholarly, learned, pleasant natured and devoted to parents. He worships and respects Brahmins and the lords, believes in religion, intelligent, the king’s favorite, endowed with a son, wealth and vehicles, respected and happy. He has a good height and fair complexion. He is thoughtful, cautious, keen, self centered, disciplined and principled, a frugal spender, traditional, tolerant, intelligent and prudent. He is practical, frank, quick to speak and critical. He acquires a trustworthy position. He might be a powerful minister or the king. He is having a technical mind.. He is skilled at his
work and appreciated by all. He may worry over small issues but faces grave circumstances with courage. He may be devoted to God and in spite of having philosophical ideas, may be considered successful in worldly matters.
Pushya nakshatra born people are seen struggling in the life. Till the age of thirty three their life is like a see-saw. Married life is not interpreted good and the native cannot enjoy the company ofhis family for either reasons. In case of woman, husband might doubt character of his wife. Pushya controls the lungs, stomach and intestines and ailments related to these may occur when malefic planets influence. For mitigating such effect, the native has to worship Lord Jupiter, who is almost Lord Vishnu himself. He is worshiped with bunkum (saffron), incense, lotus flowers, ghee, dhoop, ghee lamp and sweets made of ghee, according to the rituals Sweets made of the flour of ‘barley’ should he offered to Lord Jupiter. One should wear the “Tushar Moor on one’s neck or upper arm. Mix ghee and kheer (sweet made of rice and milk) and perform homa while reciting the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
Om Brahaspatye atiye daryoo arhaddhyum dwimatikratu majjaneshu yaddidayach vasrat parjattadasmasu darvinumdehichitram om brhaspatye namah
Ashlesha Nakshatra Mantra
Snake Lord, Taksha, is the Lord of the Ashlesha Nakshatra. A person born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra is cruel natured, destroyer of all, ungrateful, short tempered, prone to troubling others, used to wandering aimlessly, waster of money, sensuous, ill behaved and a performer of his own deeds. He may be clever, imaginative, dynamic, wavering, easily appeased, pleasant natured, fluent, imitative of others in talking, having artistic interests, fond of literature and music, fond of travelling, passionate, occasionally involved in theft, lazy, selfish and prone to sudden assaults.
The Ashlesha Nakshatra controls the lungs, abdomen, lower part of food pipe and liver and these are afflicted with malefic effect. Such persons are seen to be found of alcohol. Women born during this constellation are good managers but they have to be extra cautions while maintaining relations with their in-laws. Ashlesha is a “Moot Sangyaka nakshatra and it signifies fear for mother or mother-in-law. To mitigate the evil effects of this constellation, on the day of the Ashlesha Nakshatra, one should make a golden idol of the Snake couple, establish it ritually and worship it with kumkum (saffron), incense sticks, flowers, dhoop, ghee, lamp and rice. Perform homa with ghee and sugar and recite the following mantra hundred and eight times.
Om Namasatu sarpebhayoo ye ke cha prithvi manu ye antarikshedivitebhayee sapebhayoo namah om takshkeshwarayee namah ||
Magha Nakshatra Mantra
Lord Pitr is the lord of the Magha Nakshatra. Persons born in this constellational are wealthy, pleasure loving, devoted to God and parents, and very enterprising. Some classics are of the view that such persons are hard hearted, sharp natured, possessing uncritical skills, lacking sins, prudent, proud, pious, under their wives’ domination and destructive of enemies. He may be involved in a suspicious and secretive work, very enterprising and endowed with many servants. Such persons are skilled at doing work for others, fond of eating and drinking and thrifty. They may be assaulted suddenly, have an anxious temperament and face continuous obstacles in progress.
Magha nakshatra controls heart, back, spinal cord and its surrounding area and these are afflicted with ailments when malefic planets show their effect. To ward off the evil effects worship Lord Pitt For that, one should invite father like respected Brahmins on the day of the Magha Nakshatra and worship them with white sandalwood fragrance, champak flowers, ghee, dhoop, ghee lamp and other sweets. One should wear the bhringraj mool on the arm or heart in an amulet. Clothes, sesame seeds and rice should be donated as per ritual. Occasionally, milk and cereal should be donated to the ancestors. Perform homa while mixing ghee, sesame seeds, rice, and recite the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
Om pitrbhayee swadhayeebhay swadha namah pitamahebhay swadhayeebhayee swadhaanamah parpitamahebhayee swadhayibhayee swadhanaam akshanpitro mimdant pitroatitrpant pitra pitra shunddhawam om pitrbhyonamah
Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Mantra
Lord Bhaga is the Lord of the Purvaphalguni Nakshatra. A person born in this constellation is generous, large hearted, honest, polite, fond of music, dance, drama, sports, valuable things and clothes and ornaments, pleasure loving, humorous, inclined towards gambling and speculation, cautious, self centred, trustworthy, easily pleased and capable of fulfilling his own desires. He may be interested in business and the founder of religious or service organizations. He may suffer losses in trading, be unsuccessful due to obstacles in progress, may give more importance to respect and honour, be proud, suffering from ailments related to sense organs, flexible in religious matters, troubled, brave and have the mark of an injury on his head.
The Purvaphalguni Nakshatra controls the heart and spinal cord and these are afflicted with ailments when malefic planets shows their effect. In order to keep problems and fear at bay, one should worship Goddess Shri Kamakhyaa or Omkar who are considered the forms of Bhaga. They should be worshipped daily with the incense of white sandalwood, malti flowers, ghee, dhoop, ghee lamp and sweets. Kapatkari Mool’ should be worn on the heart or arm. To appease Lord Bhaga, one should offer kangni’ sesame seeds and ghee. Sesame seeds and ghee should be mixed, homa should be performed, and the following mantra should be recited for hundred and eight times.
Om bhag parnetrbhagsatya radho bhage mandhi yamu dawa ddanna Bhag parnojan yagobhirasveparbhirnarbant shyam om bhagayee namah
Uttarphalguni Nakshatra Mantra
Lord Aryama is the Lord of Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra. A person born in this constellation is ambitious, authoritative, self-praising, brave, frank, proud, charitable, optimistic and humorous. He has a tendency to show off, has royal tastes and royal connections. He may be polite, scholarly, wealthy, renowned, sincere in his duties, benefiting from higher education, following family radiations and gaining amazing wealth through his knowledge. He may have a natural hatred for narrow mindedness and immoral work. He may have a very sharp memory. He may be affectionate towards friends and relatives and may occasionally become aggressive.
Uttaraphalguni nakshatra controls the spinal cord and back. These are afflicted by ailments when malefic planets show their effects. To mellow down their effect, ghee, sugar and shalyanna should be offered, and the deity should be worshipped with camphor, saffron, incense, arks, flowers, dhoop, ghee lamp, ghee, and khecr. The patol Moot should be worn on the heart or forearm. Sesame seeds and ghee should be mixed; homa is performed with the following mantra to be recited for hundred and eight times. To keep the spirit of reciting mantras, the Lord of the house, Sun, should be worshipped regularly, the Surya Namaskar (See under section Sun in this chapter) should be done and water should be offered to Sun God.
Om devyaa vadvaryu agat gum rathen suryatwachaii madhva yaggum samjathe tam partantha yam venshichatram devanam
om aryamane namah ||