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In Sanskrit ‘Pran’ means ‘Breath’ and ‘Ayama’ means ‘control’ so it is called as Pranayama. Pranayama is the complete breathing exercise which is the part of yoga. Our breath plays an important role in pranayama. Pranayama cures our body internally if you practice regularly. These seven pranayama are excellent breathing exercises for our healthy life and releasing stress and depression.

About Vinayak Bhatt

Everyone is interested in who they are and where they are headed. Astrology can be used as a guidepost on our journey to ourselves and to our future. Through the synchronicity of the cosmos and the magic of this ancient art/science our soul journey is revealed. In my readings I examine the natal chart and current transits and progressions to uncover the energies of one's true self and one's future. I do not believe there are any "bad" aspects or "bad" planets, but rather all the planetary and aspect energies can be used In my readings I look both at a client's potential as indicated in the natal chart and at present and future energies and opportunities. I am happy to focus on a particular question or area of life as requested.

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